We’ve collaborated with our friends at Beyond GM to create a set of resources on the issues around GMOs and gene-edited crops and how they pertain to seed. With changing legislation, it has never been more important to ensure you are part of the discussion. For more information on Beyond GM’s current work, other publications and how you can get involved please see their website: https://beyond-gm.org/
Please click on the following titles to download each fact sheet.
Gene Editing: What You Need to Know
‘Gene editing is not a specific technology. Instead, it is an umbrella term referring to a range of new genetic engineering techniques that can be applied in plant breeding. The most well-known of these techniques is CRISPR/Cas-9, a type of genetic engineering that is relatively cheap and quick to use.’
GMOs & Seeds: What You Need to Know
‘Seeds are a symbol of all life on earth and as such have social, cultural and political importance in every corner of the world. Since the dawn of agriculture farmers have been selecting, saving and exchanging seed and, in so doing, have developed a wide variety of crops which are adapted to their local human and non-human environment.’
Agroecology & The Threat of Gene Editing
‘Until very recently, genetic engineering had largely fallen off the food and farming agenda. For a long time, before the government’s 2021 public consultation on deregulating gene editing technologies, it was rare for it to be included in discussions or actions aimed at raising awareness of food systems and food sovereignty in the UK.’ This resource was produced in collaboration with Farming the Future.