Seed Production Workshop: Selection

Tutor: Ben Gabel (The Real Seed Catalogue)

Host: Trill Farm Garden, East Devon

Date: Saturday 16th June 2018

This is the second workshop we are running with the South West Seed Savers Co-operative and The Real Seed Catalogue and will be a chance for growers to get more in depth training on plant selection for seed production. The day will have a practical focus, with demonstrations and hands on selection on a wide range of crops. The workshop is aimed at growers who have some experience and knowledge of seed saving.

The Real Seed Catalogue is a seed company based in West Wales which specialises in open pollinated varieties. Set up by Ben Gabel and Kate McEnvoy in 1990s, Real Seeds produce much of the seed they sell. With a background in plant science, Ben’s workshop will be an opportunity to learn from an experienced seed grower with a solid understanding of plant genetics.

The South West Seed Savers Co-op are a group of experienced vegetable growers who are integrating seed production into their businesses and have come together to share experience, knowledge and to exchange seed.

Trill Farm Garden is a 2.5 acre market garden run by Ashley Wheeler and Kate Norman. They grow vegetables for local restaurants as well as producing seed for the Real Seed Catalogue. There will be a chance during the day to look at the seed crops which are currently being grown in the garden.

Itinerary (subject to change)

9:30         Arrivals, refreshments

10:00        Introduction to selection. Why selection is important in seed production and how basic plant science and genetics can be used in selection and roguing.

11:00        Introduction to outbreeders. Selection for seed production in crops such as chard and radish with practical selection.

13:00        Lunch

14:00        Tour of Trill Farm Garden seed production

14:30        Introduction to inbreeders. Selection for seed production in crops such as peas, beans and lettuce with practical demonstrations.

16:15        Questions

16:30        Finish


Please book by emailing by 28th May 2018. You can read about our last seed production workshop which was on Brassica seed production here.